TCC is building a new web site for our older and existing/operating company that has only now started construction of a new web site.
Be ready for our new public appearance of "Texas Energy Partners Global, L.L.C." or TEP Global
We will soon have a new TEP site up and running. While it's in construction now, we hope to have the new web site up and running smoothly in the next few weeks.
Stay Tuned for new updates!
TEP was organized by the founders in TCC in early 2008 to be a multi-divisional company. The purpose is to diversify the company(s) investor base into several categories of business as well as do business globally with a number of business entities.
One Division Example is:

TEP is a major global contractor for every type of disaster and cleanup operations in areas that need TEP Teams, Equipment, and Expertise the most and need them fast! Every country, every state, and every town will suffer a major disaster in one type or another this year. Earthquake, Hurricane, Major Fires, Oil Spill, Tornado, Flood, it can happen so fast. When disaster strikes who do you call to get equipment and help now! With manpower, equipment, and the expertise to help get your services and communities back up fast.
When disaster strikes, you need a one-stop place to call, that can help solve all your needs, not just part of them. TEP Global’s, “EMERGENCY FIRST RESPONSE TEAM” (EFRT) can step in quickly, often within 12-24 hours with manpower and equipment ready to work. TEP’s “EFRT” can take charge of your next disaster, either by taking lead management role, and/or step in and work as a mainstream contractor under other government agencies to aid in the cleanup of debris and restoring vital temporary services, other. No other company can bring equipment and manpower together quicker than TEP.
A Team you can trust; rapid response, ready to go to work, experienced crews.
DEBRIS REMOVAL (Including Dead Livestock)
TEP Global, L.L.C. – Emergency First Response Team
J.C. Mathiews President/CEO TEP Company:
W.E. (Pete) Eckhart, Vice President of TEP:
President and Senior Project Manager of TEP "EFR
Another Division Example:
TEP has a talented and well-trained Field Operations Team. Headed up by Mr. Tony Ortiz, President of TEP'S FIELD OPERATIONS Oil and Gas Division currently located in Houston Texas. Tony has a lifelong base and knowledge of all types of Oil and Gas well logging, Completions, Well Fracing, Monitoring and Downhole Well Analysis and Technology; two very key components to drilling exploration and completions.
Mr. Ortiz is well known not only nationally but internationally for his talents in this field of expertise and is called upon in many countries. Ortiz adds invaluable oversite and management into TEP's Oil and Gas Division.
Mr. Ortiz also has a valuable sense of taking old non-producing wells, structuring a platform of energy analysis and technology to learn the exhibited traits of why the well is not producing to its fullest potential. Gathering and measuring data points needed to analyze each well. Then taking necessary corrections to the well bore to place step by step procedures to bring back added life to old non-producing wells, using downhole wire line technology, proper cementing or plugging procedures, redrilling with state-of-the-art coil tubing and fracing methods to make productive oil and gas production once again.
Mr. Ortiz insight and years of experience in downhole well technology to wire-line interpretation and analogy of new well, as well as old, well sites have been listed as one of the nations, if not the worlds, top leading specialist in downhole well logging. Major Companies have often called up Mr. Ortiz for his diverse talents in field work and production.
Mr. Ortiz has also had numerous work with past oil well firefighter named company(s) like the famous Boots & Coots company. Working oil well fires in Kuwait during Desert Storm operations.
*** NOTE*** Ortiz is a leader in Well head security and field security operations. Using valuable new technology and methodology to protect valuable oil and gas wells and field operations for major companies doing business both here and abroad. Let TEP help you with any, and all, major security concerns with producing wells and field related equipment.
Let TEP help you with you oil and gas field operations.
Tony Ortiz, President - TEP Field Specialty Operations
TEP's Electric Generation and strip-mining operations is lead by President/CEO, J.C. Mathiews. Mathiews was raised in a agriculture background as a youth in farming and ranching. Mathiews obtained his B.S. Degree in Agriculture Education from Tarleton State University with a minor in science. After a short period of teaching, Mathiews set his course in his own business. That being heavy equipment. As a young man he learned the oil and gas business from the ground up building sites for large drilling rigs. Later that involved into part ownerships in three different drilling companies during the late 1970's and early 1980's. He later started leasing land from other ranchers and drilling his own oil and gas wells for production.
In the 1980's, he help start a local bank, beginning a short journey into the banking side of business. The oil price crashed in mid 1984. This major downturn in mid-1984 oil prices caught Mathiews and other independents in the state of Texas, both small and large, in the largest spin of bankruptcy legend in a statewide catastrophe. Mathiews never took bankruptcy and over time repaid all bank depts and personal debts incurred. Mathiews rebounded from that major downturn with knowledge and wisdom on how companies should be created so not to be caught in downturns and rebound to survive. His work was sought after because of his first hand knowledge of running a business. He did contract work for several state Governors and several Agriculture Commissioners. In 1989 he formed Texas and Midwestern Consultants Company (TCC). One of his first contracts was with Governor Ann Richards, who inherited a state from the downturn of oil prices where banks all across Texas was closing at a rate of three per day for almost 3 years. Empty city buildings and laid-off workers became a near financial ruin for the state. Texas & Midwestern Consultants Company was assigned to help Texas Department of Commerce at the time. TCC was credited with teaching methods of how to build instate processing of business still used to day.
Along with the downturn of oil in 1984, Mathiews was elected to the board of directors of a small electric cooperative distribution company. From the board seat he was later voted onto a much large platform as a board of director of a large Texas lignite coal mining and electric generation company. Mathiews served as a director of that company for 20 years, and as Vice-President of the electric generation and mining company. His director seat was taken out by a hostile takeover of the electric plant, but still serves on the local distribution. His knowledge of both the electric generation side and mining operations combined with the oil and gas sector brings forth consulting work in both electric generation and distribution in places around the world.
A talent for advising and helping startup business gain funding and growing the companies from the ground up have been a very positive record. He success serving as a business incubator for startup businesses has been ten out of eleven successes. The failure rate nationwide is just the opposite ten failures out of eleven.
His mentorship gained him CEO of many companies and several independent oil and gas companies and his own family oil and gas company(s).
Let TEP Guide you in your next major company with many of its divisions to call upon.
J.C. Mathiews, President/CEO
TEP Construction Division and Manufacturing Division
From infrastructure, be it electricity to refineries or dollars to dams, TEP CONSTRUCTION can help you with your next project. From construction of major airports, refineries, electric plants, and other large infrastructure TEP will take on the hardest tasks. This also entails large manufacturing plants and planning the startup operations of those plants as advisory or management positions.
Contact TEP on your next proposed construction project.
W.E. (Pete) Eckhart, Senior Project Manager TEP